Friday, May 10, 2013

Mixed Emotions

I never thought that I would have a baby while I wasn't married. I never thought that I'd have a baby in college or at such a young age. I always said "That won't happen to me", but let me tell you from experience, it's going to happen to you if you're not careful. Don't get me wrong, Owen is the best thing that has ever happened to us. However, enjoying a baby while you're both working and doing school is very hard. Luckily for us, we have the support we need to accomplish these things with no problem. I don't know why I thought that I was special and wouldn't get pregnant. But I did. I got pregnant at 19 years old, unmarried, and in college. I was terrified of what people would say about me. I was ashamed when I was pregnant and people would ask about my "husband" and I had to correct them to say boyfriend. I got over it eventually but I felt like everyone looked down on me. I imagined what everyone was saying "Can you believe Kelsey is pregnant?"
My biggest annoyance was everyone always saying, "You'll get married before you have the baby right?" And our answer was always no. I was not getting married while I was pregnant. I still wanted a beautiful wedding and I was NOT getting married with a huge belly. Not happening. I didn't care what anybody thought about it.
All in all, nobody said anything negative to us (except for maybe a few times) and in the end, I couldn't care less that we weren't married before we had Owen. I'd rather be unmarried, have our baby, and then get married when the time is right. In case you haven't heard, the wedding date has been set for July 27 and we can't wait!:)

Updates on our family:

Owen- We went for his 6 month appointment Wednesday. Before we left, Owen was staring and unresponsive for a good while and after a few minutes, shook and jumped and finally looked at me. This led his doctor to believe that he may be having silent seizures so we are booking an EEG. The thing about silent seizures is that he could be having them all of the time and I'd never know because they can last as short as a few seconds. So while we're nervous about what the EEG will reveal, we're glad that we're going to find out now rather than later. Pray for him, I'll update when I know a specific date.
Owen weighs 19 lbs 12 oz and is bigger than 75% of babies his age and is 28.5 inches tall and is taller than 95% of babies his age. He got his shots and was NOT a happy camper.

Nick and Kelsey- Our new apartment called and said that the apartment we wanted is going to be open and ready next month! We are so excited! Though Nick already has a job, he has applied for a few more that fit his personality a little better so pray for the best for Nick too! We both finished our Spring semesters of college with great GPAs and great grades. We're so thankful to everyone that helped us make that happen. Since I took 16 hours of online classes, I'm very thankful to my mom and my grandma for watching Owen for a few hours a couple times per week so I could get my harder work done. I couldn't have done it without them.

Port Wine Stain and Sturge Weber- If you have not heard yet, scientists have discovered the cause of these. We are happy to hear that Nick and I did not cause either of these, it was a gene mutation. I'm not going to quote the specifics but if you want to read it for yourself, here is the link

We are very excited about all of the things that are happening in our lives :)

Another thing we are excited about is the lives that I'm reaching through this blog!!
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey, I have been in your shoes. I was 16, still in high school, pregnant, and not married. God does not put more on us than we can handle. Life is going to be hard, but you can and will make it through. There will be times when you feel like you can't take anything else, but that is when you drop to your knees and pray for strength. I only met you last year, but I can see the inner strength that you have. Continue to take care of your family, and always remember that crying is not a sign of weakness. Sometimes we have to cry for relief....
